Steam punk conventions? Historic re-enactment? Lawnmower racing? Your crazy pastime could be just what the doctor ordered.

Singer Kate Bush has just turned 65. To mark her birthday, crowds of people, some of them with beards, turned out in venues around the world from Edinburgh to Dunedin, Seattle to Sofia. Dressed in swirly red frocks and – where required – long brunette wigs, they danced their hearts out and sang along, word perfect at the tops of their voices, to Kate’s first hit Wuthering Heights. This is what it looked and sounded like in Folkestone.

I’d seen this before, but I had no idea Most Wuthering Heights Day was such a global phenomenon. It’s been going since 2013, when a group called Shambush! tried to set an unofficial world record for the most people dressed as Kate Bush in one place.

Bonkers! Would I do it myself? Probably not (never say never!) but I will defend to the max your right to get out, dress up, wave your arms and legs around and sing at the top of your voice with a bunch of other people all enjoying themselves. Neuroplastic exercise, balance, co-ordination, speech therapy (especially for those more comfortable in tenor and bass) Vitamin D, endorphins – Wuthering Heights has it all.

This is social prescribing at its best. The NHS describes social prescribing as:

“…an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.”

It helps to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation that can often make Parkinson’s symptoms more severe.

For me, social prescribing means doing fun stuff that keeps you out of the doctor’s office. Gardening groups, art classes, yarnbombing, Star Trek conventions, man sheds, Tough Mudder, flyball, improv… whatever floats your boat.  Dressing up optional, just as long as you are kind to people, animals, and the planet.

I believe that being bonkers is actually what keeps me sane. I’m with Dizzee on this one.

Play> Bonkers > Dizzee Rascal

Some people think I’m bonkers
But I just think I’m free
Man I’m just living my life
There nothing crazy about me

Main photo: Edinburgh Evening News


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